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Commercial Truck Accident Lawyer: Gain the Justice and Compensation You Deserve

Driving on the highways and interstates of America can be a frightening experience with the huge number of big business cars sharing the roads. These massive vehicles, weighing up to 80,000 pounds when fully loaded, pose major risks if they are involved in an accident with a standard passenger vehicle. The size and weight difference means the passengers of the smaller car often suffer devastating, life-altering injuries or even wrongful death.

Written by Thelearnvine

If you or a loved one has been the victim of a crash with a semi-truck, tractor-trailer, big rig, or other industrial vehicle, you need an experienced trucking accident attorney in your corner. The effects of these crashes are serious, resulting in astronomical medical bills, lost wages, lasting pain and suffering, lifelong disabilities, and psychological stress. An expert commercial truck accident lawyer will be your champion, working hard to get you the best compensation you deserve.

Table of Contents

  1. The Challenges of Trucking Accident Cases
  2. Experience on Your Side
  3. Common Causes of Truck Accidents
  4. What to Do After a Truck Accident

Essential Points for Understanding Trucking Accidents and Legal Assistance


The Challenges of Trucking Accident Cases

Pursuing a claim and possible lawsuit after a truck accident is vastly more difficult than a normal passenger vehicle collapse. There are many more parties possibly involved, including the truck driver, trucking company, truck manufacturer, shipping company, repair companies, and more. Building a strong case requires a thorough study to determine all liable parties and their parts in causing the crash.

An accident reconstruction team, including engineers and investigators, must examine all the evidence at the scene such as skid marks, road debris, the positioning of the cars after impact, and the damage patterns. They’ll study the truckers’ logs, repair records for the truck, data from the vehicle’s black box, and freight manifests.

Your truck accident lawyer also needs to have a deep understanding of the complicated state and federal laws that truckers, trucking companies, and trucks themselves must follow. Violations like failure to follow hours of service rules, improper loading of goods, lack of needed driver qualifications or training, and delayed maintenance can all add to causing fatal crashes.


Experience on Your Side


Trucking companies and their insurers are major corporations with huge resources and legal teams committed to minimizing payouts on injury cases, even when their negligence was the main cause. Having the right truck accident injury attorney gives you the strength and legal firepower to take them on. They represent real David vs Goliath fights putting hurt victims against rich companies – but the right lawyer can make all the difference.

At the Personal Injury Lawyers of America, our team of litigators has won numerous multi-million dollar wins and settlements on behalf of our clients who were victims of commercial vehicle crashes. We fully understand all the details of trucking accident cases, including:

● The complex web of state and federal regulations governing the trucking industry
 ● Hiring Accident Reconstruction experts to prove negligence and liability
 ● Dealing with combative trucking companies, insurers, and their massive legal teams
 ● Quantifying and proving damages including current and future medical costs, lost earnings, and pain & suffering
 ● Accelerating insurance claim processes that trucking companies intentionally delay
 ● Taking cases to trial if settlement offers are insufficient

Through it all, our top goal is maximizing your financial recovery and getting your life back on track to the best extent possible. We’re selective about the cases we take so every customer gets the attention, respect, and commitment they deserve on the path to regaining their lives.


Common Causes of Truck Accidents


Photo courtesy: Canva


While no two trucking accidents  are exactly alike, there are common recurring factors and themes when it comes to the causes:

Truck Driver Fatigue: Studies show fatigue is a factor in over 13% of commercial truck crashes due to drivers breaking Hours of Service rules or having disrupted sleep schedules. You’re putting your life at risk sharing the road with an overtired driver fighting off “micro-sleep” behind the wheel of an 80,000 lb rig.

Impaired Driving: Whether under the influence of alcohol, prescription medicine, or illegal drugs, impaired truck drivers are a danger on the roads, lacking the focus, judgment and reactions to run big rigs safely.

Improper Maintenance: Trucking companies that ignore maintenance to cut costs put profit over public safety and driver safety. Worn-out brakes, bald tires, defective underride guards, and other problems seriously threaten the safe operation of semi-trucks.

Distracted Driving: Eating, texting, using CB radios or entertainment systems while driving take a trucker’s eyes off the road and mind off driving for critical moments that can lead to catastrophe.

Dangerous Loading: Overloaded, improperly distributed or inadequately secured freight loads can cause rollovers, jackknifes, or fatal effects if loads shift unexpectedly during driving.

Speeding: Drivers who speed in big trucks are a major danger due to greatly increased braking distances needed to stop these huge vehicles at high speeds.

Aggressive Driving: Truckers who tailgate, make risky lane changes, or fail to give right-of-way threaten everyone with the sheer size of their rigs increasing the effects.

At our firm, we’ll conduct a deep dive to find the exact causes and circumstances behind your truck accident, allowing us to identify all liable parties and secure the responsibility and pay you deserve.


What to Do After a Truck Accident


Being involved in a big truck crash is extremely traumatic, but the actions you take in the immediate aftermath can make a significant difference in your court case. Do your best to stay cool and take these steps if you’re able:

Call Emergency Services: Your goal should be getting qualified medical help for any accidents. This makes an official record of the event as well.

Document the Scene: Take photos and movies of the crash scene, debris, damage, roadway signs, and car places if it’s safe to do so. Also share information with the truck driver and gather witness contacts.

Avoid Speculation: Don’t guess about blame or accept any degree of responsibility. Even a seemingly harmless apology could be mistaken as an admission of guilt.

Report the Accident: Contact your insurance company immediately to file a legal report. Don’t provide any written statements before meeting with a lawyer.

Contact a Truck Accident Attorney: An experienced truck crash attorney will start protecting your rights immediately and make sure you don’t accidentally damage your ability to file a claim.

Never accept a quick settlement offer from an insurance company before having your injuries professionally evaluated and meeting legal counsel. We’ll ensure you’re properly paid for the full scope of your medical costs, lost income, pain & suffering, and other damages.


Essential Points for Understanding Trucking Accidents and Legal Assistance


Get a quick review of trucking accidents  and why you need legal help. Learn about the risks, complexities, and usual reasons of accidents, plus what to do after one occurs.


Title Description
Trucking Accident Risks  Driving on American highways alongside commercial trucks weighing up to 80,000 pounds offers serious risks. Accidents with these cars often result in life-altering injuries or wrongful death for drivers of smaller vehicles.
Need for Legal Assistance  Victims of truck accidents require experienced trucking accident lawyers to handle complicated legal processes. Attorneys fight for maximum pay to cover medical bills, missed wages, pain & suffering, injuries, and psychological stress.
Complexity of Cases   Truck accident cases involve multiple parties such as truck drivers, companies, makers, and repair firms. Building a good case demands thorough investigation, including accident reconstruction and knowledge of state and federal regulations.
Experience Matters  Competing against well-resourced trucking companies and insurers requires skilled legal counsel. Knowledgeable lawyers secure maximum pay, handling difficulties like laws, accident reconstruction, negotiations, and trial processes.
Common Accident Causes  Truck crashes stem from factors like driver tiredness, impaired driving, poor maintenance, distracted driving, dangerous loads, speeding, and aggressive driving. Understanding these causes is crucial for finding responsible parties and getting compensation.
Post-Accident Actions  After a truck accident, victims should prioritize medical assistance, record the scene, avoid speculation or admitting blame, report the accident to insurance, and quickly seek legal advice to protect their rights and avoid hasty settlements.


Photo courtesy: Canva


Frequently Asked Questions:


How much does it cost to hire a truck accident  lawyer?


Most  reputable truck accident law companies work on a contingency basis, which means you don’t pay anything out-of-pocket. We take a percentage of your final settlement or award after successfully settling your case.


How long does a trucking accident case generally take?


There’s no easy answer since every case is unique. Straightforward claims with clear responsibility may settle within a few months while highly complicated cases involving serious injuries, multiple parties, or going to trial may last 1-2 years.


What damages can I recover after a trucking accident?


There are economic damages for measurable costs like hospital bills, future care needs, lost wages/income, and property damage. Non-economic damages cover less visible costs like pain & suffering, mental anguish, disability effects, and loss of enjoyment of life.


What happens if the truck driver doesn’t have insurance or proper coverage?


Even when truck drivers or companies don’t have adequate insurance, our lawyers will follow every source such as holding the company responsible, the freight company’s insurance, and other linked parties.


Should I accept a   settlement offer from the trucking company?


It’s nearly never in your best interest to accept an initial offer from trucking companies or their insurance. They’ll make lowball offers to protect their income. Our experts ensure you receive full pay.


The road to physical, emotional and financial recovery after a truck accident is extremely difficult, but having the right legal counsel can smooth the process. At the Personal Injury Lawyers of America, we give each client the care, respect, and dogged defense they deserve after being harmed by error. Contact us today for a free appointment to start seeking the justice you’re due.

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